20110909︱House Biaaatch 浩室婊子五週年紀念 @ LUXY/Pulse

House Biaaatch – 浩室婊子五週年紀念

浩室婊子創立於 2007,而這 party 可以延續至今的原因,當然就在於她逆天行道獨特獨行的婊子風格!在浩室婊子的字典裡既沒有時尚、也不知道何謂流行,只有不斷做自己的硬派婊子風!五年了,婊子不僅沒有從良,反而越來越多、婊上加婊!這次選在中秋前夕 9 月 9 日舉辦五週年紀念浩室婊子,同樣由我們婊子領袖 DJ Cookie ㄧ手操刀,準備很多驚喜的演出!帶領著婊子貴賓 DJ Hooker 和 PiP ㄧ同婊演到底!這場是妳絕不能錯過的ㄧ場浩室婊子週年派對!當然,照例,這次ㄧ樣有婊子的 dress code 囉~請發揮妳的創意獨行,只要用「蕾絲」創造出妳獨特的造型,在當天灰姑娘變身前至 LUXY,就可以免費入場!當然,千萬別披著窗簾桌巾就來,老娘可是會用五吋高跟鞋踹人的!

時間:2011.09.09 / (Fri.) / 10:00PM
地點:LUXY - Pulse ( 台北市忠孝東路四段201號5樓 )
票價:11點前 300nt. / 11點後 600nt. (2杯飲料)
Ticket:11:00pm Before 300nt. / 11:00pm after 600nt. (2 Drinks)
包廂:八人低消 6000nt.起 [已開放訂位]
訂位專線 RSVP:0955-904600

House Biaaatch first launched in 2007. The reason why we're still coming strong is because we're never afraid to stand against the world! We know neither fashion nor trend, we stay true to our bitchy selves! 5 years have passed, not only we didn't age a bit but we also see more and more bitches break loose, men and women, kids and adults, allo the same! This Sep 9th, Come celebrate the triumph of the bitches with our Empress DJ Cookie along with her most beloved goons Hooker & PiP! Of course, you need to put extra thoughts on your dress code, bitch!!! Lace only, bitches wearing laces enjoy your free entrance before Cinderella's magic wears off!!! Mind you, bitch, never try your luck with table clothes and curtains, or you'll find the pain in your bitchy ass is our 5 inch heel, BIAAATCH!!!

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